
vague and mostly nonsensical kat meowings...

Monday, July 18, 2005

somewhere over the rainbow, way up high...

back again! sunday nights are always terrible b/c i know i have to wake up early but my sleep schedule is wrecked from the weekend. Friday night i didn't go to bed until 8:30am and saturday 3:30am... that's an improvement methinks. Sev's going away party was great. She's friends with lots of different groups of people which i think is more fun because seeing all of the same people party after party gets stale. I ended up staying after my roommates and the police left (people were setting off fireworks outside). Finally at like 8am or so after taking a million pictures and sending alison off to work at SA I left Sev's party with Kevin and Jeremy who were nice enough to walk me home. It was a bit unnerving seeing all the early birds and dog walkers out and about early in the morning all chipper when we were stumbling down Grand Ave like zombies. On the way back to St. Clair we took a shortcut through campus and ran through these sprinklers on Shaw field. Then we tried the swings but we quickly realized that swinging is not a good idea at 8:30am after a long night of drinking. The back and forth motion was way too much for me to handle. It's the slow stuff that kills me. Rollercoasters I love. Those teacups? --dangerous.

Anywho, yesterday I went to hidden beach with my roommates. No beach commander this time. I was almost sad. Almost. Then back to home where I had a pretty mellow night and watched Y Tu Mamå Tåmbien with Alexa. Today was 95 degrees. Ish. (i learned that from alison, apparently they don't say "ick" here -- they say "ish"). Strange, no? I''m glad it rained today. better than rain -- thunderstorms. Summer thunderstorms are my favorite. Random sudden downpours and then half an hour later it's sunny. I didn't get my rainbow this time... oh well, maybe next time.


At 3:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

when you get to be 27 like me... you just don't stay up until 8:30 anymore.

The latest we usually stay up is 3:30am.


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