anything you want on a stick

So I'm in the process of moving and the next place I move to won't have internet so I may disappear for a while once September begins. This weekend I went to the MN State Fair (which is a HUGE deal here) I think it's supposed to be the largest state fair in the country. Indeed it was huge and I got to try many strange new things.
Some of the highlights include seeing a 1,040 pound piggy. (He was only 2 years old!) I also got to pet a baby piglet and there were so many pigs, sheep, cows, bunnies... it was great! I liked looking at the pigs while they were sleeping because the corners of their mouths were turned up and they all looked like they were smiling :) I realized that cows have strange shapes -- they're almost trapezoidal in the rear... I don't know how to explain that one better... guess you gotta check out the profile of a cow sometime. There was a giant warehouse room full of award-winning bunny rabbits (Lisa 'n Bed would've loved it) I saw the award-winning Netherland Dwarf but I think Fury and Frosty are much cuter. The really giant long haired rabbits were funny... They were all so soft...
There were also really strange midwestern foods to eat like cheese curds, scottis meatballs which is a hard-boiled egg surrounded in sausage so it's about the size of a softball and then you dip it in syrup... Oh yeah, and it's on a stick. You can pretty much get anything you want on a stick. Spaghetti on a stick even! It was madness!
There was also a haunted house that had live actors in it instead of dummies and instead of being on a ride like I'm used to, you walk through it in pitch darkness. Anywho, I don't like not being able to see and i kept grabbing ben in front of me b/c I was scared. Anywho, one ghoulish thing came out and frightened me and out of reflex/panic I accidently slapped him... It wasn't that hard really... but I shrieked and smacked him and then apologized profusely while Ben's sister Bethany and this Peruvian guy who goes to school w/Mary at the U laughed at me. Good times. There was also a very cool ride that spins you and flips you and I'll try to post the pictures. You can also check out my new photo page at
rabbititos? haha... it's conejo or conejito (the j sounds like an "h")
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