mangoes or mangos?

people read my blog religiously? ooh! i feel so big and important! hehe. too bad my life isn't very interesting! But that's ok, since I'll tell you about it anyway. Today I went to the Highland Park Festival or something and had me some cheese curds (artery clogging goodness) and a yummy mango smoothie that was very mangoey. I then decided that if I ever wanted to really splurge then the first thing that I'd splurge on would be a juicer machine thingy. Something that I could make fresh orange juice out of. I used to work at this pastry shop where i could stuff in whole oranges and carrots and it would make delicious juice. I guess the whole mechanism that removes the orange peel isn't so necessary... but I do love fresh squeezed juice. and smoothies. and mangoes... mangos?
I went to Target today to get some links removed from my snazzy new watch (thank you lisa 'n ben!) but apparently Target jewelers don't work on Seiko because they don't have the tools to fix it if they screw up. Very sad, I'll have to take it to a fancier place... anywho, I ended up getting a lot of nifty things at Target... well, that includes hangars and very mundane things but I got a new little carpet thing for $15! It's brown with blue, white, and green circles and reminds me a bit of Twister. I have also decided that I will paint my new room green apple green... about the color of this blog background. I think that would look cool and fresh. I also sort of want one of those netting things that goes around your bed... hmm... So many things to think about. Ok, well harry potter is calling to me once again... bye!
Haha! Your walls will be the same color as mine at home!
Post a picture of the watch on your blog. I want to see it.
thanks for posting the picture
according to the Oxford Dictionary, mangoes and mangos are both acceptable. Though I believe mangoes has more pages on Google.
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