Which is better, one... or two...?

oof! i'm sick right now so I haven't updated my bloggy in a while. sorry! I was also back home in dc for the weekend (sat-tuesday) and it was a lot of fun. Could be why i'm sick though... going to bed every night at 4am and having all of those doctors appointments! I know that sounds strange but my dad scheduled my opthamologist appt at 8:30am after I had gone to bed at 4am and i completely failed my eye exam... WITH my contacts... well, my left eye was fine but my right eye... terrible. When the doctor asked "which is better, one... or two..." i got them all wrong. I had absolutely no idea! They all looked the same to me. She then concluded that my vision has gotten worse in my right eye and that i would need to get a new contact... On another weird note, i have an eye allergy and now have to take this little bottle full of eyedrops that was $35 dollars. (it's 3 times more expensive without insurance!) So yeah... of course I'm terrible with eye drops and am terrified of missing my eyes with these because each drop is worth about $5 dollars!
When I was flying back I was worried about all the foliage I was carrying. Megu gave me some of her umbrella plant and Yosh gave me a clipping of an african violet and I also took some shiso (no roots though). Megu found an ingenious way to package these and amazingly they all survived... even the umbrella plant which is like a foot and a half long and stuffed into my check bag! Most impressive.
I miss my bassy and family... other than that, things are going pretty well here. Oh, except for the whole fever thing. I've been like a leaky faucet recently and tonight i watched "Snow Falling on Cedars" with Jitla and I kept leaking. Nose and eyes this time. I don't think it was obnoxious though. Silent tears. I had a roll of toilet paper and a trash can in front of me too. Hot. Now my face is all puffy and it's strange because when my face is puffy I look more asian. Anywho, it's time to drink a few more gallons of tea!
Post pictures! :p
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